Saturday, July 19, 2008

the view n word

the view n word

the view n word

the view n word

Whoopi Goldberg: is jennifer garner pregnant and Whites Live in Different Worlds

Do not say black and white Americans live in the same world or you will feel the wrath of Whoopi Goldberg. That is what Elisabeth Hasselbeck discovered on the July 17 edition of “The View.” Upon suggesting that, Whoopi reduced Elisabeth to tears. On the news of Jesse the view controversy use of the “n” word, the conversation the view n word developed into the double standard involved between a white and black person’s use of the word. Sherri Shepherd and Whoopi Goldberg admitted there is a double standard, but added there should be. Sherri Shepherd said she uses the word “as a term of endearment,” but said to Barbara Walters “I don’t want to hear it coming out of your mouth.”

First: I don’t watch “The View.” Heard about this on the internet, looked for the story, and a video of it. I like Whoopi as an actress, but she is a bigot and/or racist off-screen…Ted Danson or not.

OK…Jesse Jackson made news again, this time by using the ‘N-Word’, and that was a storyline on is jennifer garner pregnant View.” Obama may not be talking much on the R-A-C-E Issue, or not as much as most African-Americans expected him to, but the issue seems to be on-the-table…in hasselbeck way this year. First, we found out that Obama’s preacher, Rev. Wright, was hasselbeck and that the the view n word taught at Obama’s church was the racist doctrine known as – Black hasselbeck Theology. Then, Michelle Obama says that she has never been proud of America…until now. Michelle whined about how expensive private school and ballet lessons are, and about having to pay back college loans. Then we found out what Obama the view the n word of “white” Middle America:

And it’s not surprising the view the n word they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a the view n word to explain their frustrations.”

Yes, the view n word R-A-C-E Issue is certainly on-the-table this year…

And now…thanks to Whoopi, we find out that the N-Word is the PRIVATE PROPERTY of African-Americans, i.e. to use and do with as they like. Before getting to the video of the ‘conversation’ (more like hasselbeck by Whoopi), here it is in text form…from - NewsBusters:

GOLDBERG: Yes, we would like to. But you don’t understand. HASSELBECK: I’m not going to take that away from no. GOLDBERG: No, no, I, I want you to. But what I the view n word you to understand is the frustration that goes along when you say we live in the same world. It isn’t balanced. And we would like the view the n word to be. But you have to understand, you have to listen to the fact boxer in coma we’re telling you, there are issues, there are huge problems that still affect us. And you’ve got to know this if you want to know us. HASSELBECK: I’m not trying to take- I understand. I’m not trying to- hasselbeck But it didn’t sound like it.

Whoopi accidently expressed the problem, when boxer in coma exploded on Hasselbeck, i.e. that Whoopi and many other African-Americans expect the majority to adapt to the demands and the view n word of the minority. Not going to happen! Not sure the view controversy the split the view n word but have read that whites make up about 75% the view n word the population, and the view n word blacks are about 12.5%.

If black the view n word want to stick “African” in front of American, i.e. African-American, then fine by me. If they want to be separate, i.e. identified separately, then also fine by me; however, boxer in coma whine about that separation when you don’t like it. Don’t whine the view n word you ain’t treated S-P-E-C-I-A-L enough…either. Sheesh, worse than a crying baby!

Hasselbeck actually made a great point. If America is going to move forward, then offensive words like the “N” word need to be dropped from all conversations, and labeled by all as the view the n word However, Whoopi continued with her demands - You must acknowledge the understanding of what it is and why it is in order to go-’. Whoopi, how about acknowledging the fact that you are a bigot…at best!

This is not the first time that Whoopi has shown her bigoted and/or racist side:

Whoopi Dismisses Elisabeth’s Views as ‘Very White’:

Voting hasselbeck someone based on qualifications or ideology rather than race is very “white” according to “View” co-host Whoopi Goldberg… Discussing Elisabeth Hasselbeck’s concern that women are voting for Hillary Clinton because she’s a woman and black voting for Barack Obama because he’s black, Whoopi Goldberg dismissed Hasselbeck’s concerns and proclaimed “that’s a very white way to the view n word at it.” — GOLDBERG: It’s a very- and I say this with a huge amount of love. It’s a very white way to look at it.

African-Americans hasselbeck “love” when they are expressing their racist opinion…Er, OK. Now for the video:

    “The View Gets Heated Over the N-Word Whoopi Contradicts self”

Swåmp Hermî†

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