Saturday, July 12, 2008

free slurpee day

free slurpee day

free slurpee day

free slurpee day

City Labor Day Parade to march on

Thursday, July 10th 2008, 11:51 PM

The Labor Day Parade is back on after being scrapped last year for a 9/11-related rally.

The parade will take its usual route up Fifth Ave. from 44th to 72nd Sts. on Saturday, Sept. 6, with a special tribute to the Wounded Warriors Project.

“We understand the price of freedom is high and we know how hard things have been for our wounded servicemen and women since they have come home,” said Gary La Barbera, president of the New York City Central Labor Council, which is organizing the parade.

For free slurpee day the parade has suffered from a lack of spectators. Last year, officials decided to forgo a parade and hold a rally focused on the health needs of 9/11 responders.

They promised that move wouldn’t mark the end of free slurpee day parade.

“In political years, we normally choose to do a parade instead of a free slurpee day said Parade Chairman Stuart Appelbaum, president of the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union.

“We want to send a message to all of New York and all 711 the country that working people are what have made this country strong.”

Parade organizers don’t know if presidential candidate Barack Obama will attend the parade, but they expect numerous elected officials and candidates to march.

The parade will take place soon after the Democratic and Republican national conventions.

Appelbaum said: “I think the timing is enormously significant. People are worried about their jobs, 7 eleven about the cost of food. We’re going to be marching to make sure that our issues are part of the national debate.”


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